Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation: How It Works | BCH Sleep Medicine
health June 25th. 2024, 12:08amBCH’s Foothills Hospital is proud to be the only Boulder County facility offering Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation — an innovative treatment option for patients with moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who can’t tolerate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Inspire is a minimally invasive surgical alternative that uses an implanted device to monitor your breathing and keep your airway open while you sleep.
Please watch this promotional video from Inspire® to learn more.
Fred Lin, MD, Division Chief of Sleep Surgery of the Mount Sinai Health System and Director of the Mount Sinai Hospital Sleep Surgery Program gives patients who are uncomfortable sleeping with a mask for sleep apnea and new surgical alternative.
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