Which countries consume most alcohol per capita?

This bar chart race shows the recorded average alcohol consumption per capita (15+ years population) by country since 1961, annual world consumption per capita and total consumption, and accumulated liters since 1961. All numbers are converted from alcoholic beverages into pure alcohol liters.

Countries and flags are shown as they exist today. Data from former USSR republics are available from 1992.

WHO, Global Health Observatory
UN, 2019 Revision of World Population Prospects

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#whatdastat #alcohol #consumption Data visualization created with flourish.studio Data visualization created with flourish.studio https://flourish.studio

Alcoholic drinks are consumed largely for their psychological and physiological effects, but most especially, they are taken within specific social contexts, and many even be part of religious practices.
Welcome to this video in which we shall be looking at the top 15 countries in the world, known to be the highest consumers of alcohol in 2023.
It is not a surprise that countries having the most alcohol consumers, are also likely to have more alcoholism related problems.
Europe is home to the worldโ€™s heaviest drinkers. In most countries, men drink at least three times as much alcohol on average, as women.
After consulting several sources like Our World in Data, and The World Population Review, we have analyzed that, global average alcohol consumption is about 6 point 9 liters per person, which is approximately 54 bottles of wine per person of age greater than 15 in a year. Remember that wine is just one out of many alcoholic drinks consumed worldwide.

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